Blues Traveler
14. November 2018 By Walter Price 0

In His Own Harmonies Words: John Popper on getting the new Blues Traveler album Hurry Up & Hang Around started

Blues Traveler – Hurry Up & Hang Around is available now @ iTunes.

Blues Traveler


“It was our 30thyear as a band, so we knew we wanted to make a record for that. I’m always fond of saying it’s in the “being-in-a-band” handbook. You know, it’s in the union bylaws. So we wanted to make an album, but we were so late because we were dealing with a previous manager, and it rolled around. It was 2017, and here we are as a band. We’re 30 years old, and we had no logistical setup or plan to make this record.

“So we got another manager in a hurry, and he lasted about three months before he couldn’t take it anymore. He was our manager long enough to get us set up in a house where we writing what became this album. We were also auditioning new management, and that’s where we met Jeff Castelaz and his people. Throughout this entire process, we had nobody to hang onto but ourselves, but we pulled together. Dang if we didn’t write a really good album.”



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The quote comes from the Melissa Parker article for Smashing Interview.


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