The Electric Alley Apache
7. November 2022 By Walter Price 0


The Electric Alley Apache LP is available on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer

The Electric Alley Apache

by Walter Price

Spanish rocknrollers The Electric Alley return with their fourth LP “Apache” and buckle up fans, the boys are back in town and it’s epic.

With enough sturdy Nando Perfumo guitar licks, indelible storylines, harmonies, and a vibe so classic that devotees of Jeff Beck, Scorpions, and Europe as well as the previous TEA studio releases will be driving hard and heavy and popping speakers. Highlighted by vocalist Jaime Moreno’s mastering of his delivery which is equally powerful on hard hitters like “Make It Through the Night”, “Apache”, and bluesy “Son of a Gun” as well as the seductive softer tracks “Bliss” and “One Lasting Light”. All in all, this album is a stand-alone masterclass in crafting raw and emotional rock. And that is deserving of all the respect that this release will receive.

This solid set is rounded out by the incomparable Rafa González on drums and Sergio Reyes on bass and there isn’t any doubt that “Apache” may just usher in a new wave of straight-up rock. Which, in a post-pandemic world that’s arguably over-saturated with bedroom pop and sad song purveyors—is absolutely needed. You stream this powderkeg LP, here at the GTC.


Artwork and band photo courtesy of The Electric Alley

Recorded at Estudio Uno (Colmenar Viejo), Estudio Setentaynueve (Jerez de la Frontera) and Grabaciones Sumergidas (El Puerto de Sta. María)

Produced by The Electric Alley
Jaime Moreno
Nando Perfumo
Rafa Gonzalez Benitez
Sergio Reyes Gamaza

HURRICANE – Official Live Session
Video Directed by Juanma Suárez
Video Filmed at Grabaciones Sumergidas, El Puerto de Sta. María
Produced by Cinnamon Factory

website // facebook // instagram

“…APACHE is born. Introducing a rock album featuring 10 original songs written from the heart. Craziness in 2022? —Now our goal is for you to make them yours. Thank you for helping us keep the light on.” – TEA (Facebook, 14 October 2022)

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