27. February 2018 By Walter Price 0

In Her Own Words: Natalie Maines on pre-Wide Open Spaces advice (from her father)

Natalie Maines / Dixie Chicks are available on iTunes.

natalie maines



“Just to stay true to the music, and to stay true to Texas. The Texas music industry is very honest. You don’t compromise things when it has to do with your soul or your belief. I think that’s why we have the album that we have — we stuck to our guns about a lot of stuff. We were ready to put up our dukes with Sony, and it turned out we didn’t have to at all. They were sort of laughing at us because we thought they’d say we couldn’t play on the album, and they were saying ‘Well, of course, you can play on the album, that’s why we’re signing you — because you *can* play on your album.”



website / dixie chicks

(Quote comes the Richard Skanse interview for Rolling Stone)



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